
Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Charlotte is 9 months

This sweet pea is 9 months old already! How in the world?! She continues to be the best little baby in the world! She just goes with the flow and is so entertained by her brothers and sister. She is a great sleeper and will wake up in the mornings and just talk to herself until I go get her! She is also at the perfect ago to be my little model while I play with my camera! :)

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Tate Farms

We took the kids to Tate Farms a few weeks ago and we had so much fun! Nana kept Charlotte which made it easier for us to enjoy all of the fun things the farm had to offer!
Justin and the kids rode the corn train! It's hard to see in this picture, but they are in the first three cars!
 They have some really neat bales of decorated hay!

 Walker had a lot of fun running around the pumpkin patch!

 Handsome boy
 Their favorite part was jumping in to the huge piles of corn! I believe they would still be there playing if we didn't pull them out! I am still finding corn in my washer and dryer!

 Grace Ann and Walker enjoyed jumping on these big inflatable pillows!
 Owen, Walker and Justin enjoyed racing on the cool pedal carts!

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Little Pruitt's

I have been having lots of fun playing with our camera lately! I have four very cute little models to practice on! Here are my favorite shots of them right now!
It's nearly impossible to get all four kids looking at me! I may or may not have been jumping up and down behind the camera and bribing them with semi-sweet chocolate chips. :)

Grace Ann- 4 1/2 years
 Charlotte- 7 months
Walker-2 1/2 years

 Owen-6 1/2 years


We had a fun Halloween with friends this year! Before we went trick or treating, we had dinner at Stevie B's! If the kids dressed in their Halloween costumes, they got to eat free! Owen would not wear his costume because he was embarrassed so we had to pay for his. Ha!
Charlotte and Mason

 All dressed up and ready to go Trick or Treating- In the pouring down rain! Also, notice Walker is wearing Grace Ann's old skeleton pajamas. I ordered him a Cookie Monster costume from Amazon and he refused to wear it! Oh well, good thing we had a plan B.
 The kids did great going up to the doors! Walker even hung right in there with the big kids!

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Charlotte is 6 months

Charlotte turn six months old this week! She is absolutely the best little baby in the world! God knew we needed a laid back happy baby to complete our crazy family! She is so content to just sit at watch her big brothers and sisters play. All three of her older siblings are crazy about her! She really is on no schedule whatsoever and it has been the best thing! I feed her when she is hungry and she naps and sleeps when she is tired! She has been sleeping through the night for several months now and usually takes between 2 and 3 little naps during the day.
We had a little photo shoot the other day in a dress that Justin's aunt gave me. It has been in their family for many years and I think it is just beautiful!
 Precious little girl!

 I snapped this picture of Owen and Charlotte one morning before school last week and I just love it! Oldest and youngest little Pruitt! :)

Owen is in Kindergarten

On August 4th, Owen started Kindergarten!! How in the world is he big enough to go to school?! He had been counting down the sleeps until it was time to start!
I have a shelf in his closet that has all of his clothes set out for the week. So at 5:04 am he comes downstairs completely dressed for his first day of and all! Bless him

 He brought his lunch the first day but has wanted to buy lunch all but one other day! He is loving school and learning so much! :)

Dr. Pruitt is on call

Residency started July 1st with Justin working in internal medicine on night shift! I think both of us were really nervous! His first two night went well and we survived at home without him! I'm so glad that his month of internal medicine is OVER. That was by far the hardest month we have had as a family. He was gone A LOT and missed him A LOT. 

Friday, September 11, 2015

DCOM Class of 2015

At the beginning of May we headed back up to Harrogate, TN for Justin's graduation! This was an event that we had been waiting for for many years! The Thursday before graduation, we attended a graduation "party" at The Stables. This was a fun time to catch up with everyone since we had not all been together for two years. 
A rare picture of the two of us dressed up without a kid or four hanging from our legs. :)
 The original playgroup moms! I don't know what I would have done without these ladies! We spent many days playing at each others houses, eating lunch together, and going on adventures while our husbands became doctors. When we all first met, we had 7 children between the four of we have (almost) 12!! :)
Saturday, May 9th was such a special day!! We became Dr. and Mrs. Justin Pruitt!! I am so proud of him and all of his hard work! The four years of medical school flew by and we made so many memories during those years!

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Match Day

March 20th finally arrived and we found out that Justin matched family medicine at UAB-Huntsville!! We had been waiting on this day since the first day of medical school! Match day is such a big and exciting day as a medical student! We were so excited to be headed back to Huntsville for at least the next three years!

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Charlotte Gayle much has happened since my last post, but I'm not giving up on trying to keep up with this blog! I have loved looking back at my blog books and I want to keep it up through residency! goes some crazy and exciting updates!:)
First up...Charlotte Gayle was born on March 10th weighing 7lb 5oz and measuring 19 in.! I was completely shocked that we had another little girl! I kept asking Justin if it was really a girl! The entire time I was pregnant, I had a feeling it may be another little girl, but I didn't want to get my hopes up! So now we have 2 boys and 2 girls! :)
Completely in love with our little Charlotte!

 Look at all that blonde hair!
 The kids were so excited to meet baby Charlotte!

 Pruitt- family of six!
 Precious girl wearing the dress that I came home from the hospital in followed by her big her!

Friday, February 13, 2015

DCOM Re-Reunion

Last weekend, we headed up to Chattanooga to meet up with our med school friends for lunch and a play date at the park. We had beautiful weather and such a great time catching up with friends! Between the 7 different couples, we have 20 kids...and two more on the way in just a few short weeks! :)
Owen and Natalie having fun! These two have really missed each other this past year.

 Grace Ann had a great time too! She hung right with the big kids!
Natalie did a great job chasing Walker around!
 Walker enjoyed watching this little dog for a long time. See that family having a picnic? Well Walker busted up right in the middle of it just a minute after this picture was taken! I took my eye off of him for 10 seconds, and he decides to join their picnic!
I can't believe that the next time this group gets together, it will be at graduation!!! Not to mention that we will have expanded our group by 2 kids! :)