
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Man Day

I went to Huntsville this past Saturday to help throw my friend a baby shower. I decided to take Grace Ann with me and drop Walker off at my Nana's house. That left Owen and Justin at home, so they decided to have their very first "Man Day". They had so much fun!! I can't decide who had more fun: Justin or Owen!! They started off their Man Day at Lamar's Donuts for breakfast and then headed to Birmingham to an airplane museum! Owen had an absolute blast at the museum getting to look at all the airplanes! After the museum, they headed to the mall for lunch at Chic-fil-A and then a quick stop at the Lego store!
Sweet boy getting ready to get in daddy's Jeep for Man Day!
 I love this picture of Owen! He just looks so grown up here!

 Justin had just told him that they were going to the Lego store, so he was making a dash to the Jeep!
 Justin was a sucker at bought Owen a police Lego set! Ha! Owen has really started to become interested in Lego's!
 Justin said he looked at his new Lego set like this the entire drive home! Look at his little eyes just looking so intently at the box!
Justin had so much fun telling me all about their Man Day when we got home! It is such a special time when we get to spend one on one time with the kids!

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