Our bible verse: Love one another. 1 John 3:23
I cut out big and little hearts and had Owen sort them by size. I modeld the first one and then he caught on and finished sorting by himself.
Dot painting the letter "V". Notice his awesome hair!
We painted hearts using a toilet paper roll! This was a super easy and fun craft I found on Pintrest!
We made a volcano!! I was so excited about this and he LOVED it!! We have had some beautiful weather so it was so nice to be able to do this outside!! Owen enjoyed pouring all of the ingredients into our volcano and Grace Ann enjoyed watching her big brother while she snacked on some cheerios.
Watching the volcano erupt....for the 5th time! :) He would have stayed out there for several more hours if I had let him! The volcano was a hit!
Another pintrest craft! I made the letter "V" with tape and let him paint the paper will violet paint! After he finished painting we took the take off to see the letter "V"!
I found an old medicine dropper and filled up a small bowl of water and let Owen drop colored water into an empty ice tray! This entertained him for a long time! I had to help him at first but he learned pretty quickly how to do it himself.
We have used the iPad a lot lately and have found some really neat apps! My favorite one right now is called EduKitty. It has the following activities: left-right, top-bottom, sound match, shapes, colors, memory, match pairs, shadows, alphabet, numbers, find the different object, find the smallest object, find the biggest object. It's wonderful!!
Our bulletin board with some of our crafts we did for the letter "V"!
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