
Sunday, July 26, 2015

Match Day

March 20th finally arrived and we found out that Justin matched family medicine at UAB-Huntsville!! We had been waiting on this day since the first day of medical school! Match day is such a big and exciting day as a medical student! We were so excited to be headed back to Huntsville for at least the next three years!

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Charlotte Gayle much has happened since my last post, but I'm not giving up on trying to keep up with this blog! I have loved looking back at my blog books and I want to keep it up through residency! goes some crazy and exciting updates!:)
First up...Charlotte Gayle was born on March 10th weighing 7lb 5oz and measuring 19 in.! I was completely shocked that we had another little girl! I kept asking Justin if it was really a girl! The entire time I was pregnant, I had a feeling it may be another little girl, but I didn't want to get my hopes up! So now we have 2 boys and 2 girls! :)
Completely in love with our little Charlotte!

 Look at all that blonde hair!
 The kids were so excited to meet baby Charlotte!

 Pruitt- family of six!
 Precious girl wearing the dress that I came home from the hospital in followed by her big her!